Weekly Progress Update

Weekly Progress Update

Mmk, getting back into the swing of things now after taking a vacation. A disruption in my ritual is always risky. I like to keep things consistent and not threaten breaking the habits I’ve formed. Luckily, I was able to get back into my routine without too much issue – though some obstacles here are there.

This week was spent trying to work on editing of Madness, primarily. I didn’t get through the level out output I was planning on, which is a bummer. I was hoping to be at Page 100 of 224 in my first draft’s document by the end of the weekend (starting at 32). So far I’m up to Page 57, so pretty far behind. It isn’t too big of a deal overall. I bit off a bit more than I could chew with the goal of 68 pages over the weekend, but it pushed me to at least make the current progress, at least.

My goal is to be finished with the first round of edits by the end of the month. I think if I buckle down and edit on weekdays more often – even just 3-5 pages per day – I can make that goal without much issue. From there, it’s onward to some Beta Readers for feedback.

Also, I’m starting to look into some Fantasy Blog/Review sites. There are a handful out there. The main issue is that these sites are obviously going to be receiving content non-stop. It can take months or even years for them to get around to your book, if at all. There are some that allow you to pay to sort of short-list your book, but it can be quite expensive. We’ll see what I find. I didn’t do any sort of advance reading to known blogs or reviewers for Honor, so it’s something I’m considering this time around.

Onward to future work! I drew out a loose outline for Book Three this weekend and will be ready to start writing next week. It’ll be difficult to juggle writing Book Three and editing Madness, but I need to maintain momemtum. I’m really excited to get started on Book Three and think a certain audience will definitely enjoy the story I have planned. One can hope.

That’s all for this week, see you on next Sunday!

Posted on: March 10, 2019Bernard Bertram