Weekly Progress Update

Weekly Progress Update

Man, editing is so draining. Props to the people that can do this for a living. I can only stand to sit for maybe an hour or two at the very most before I have to stop. Going through it with extreme scrutiny and reviewing every word – its placement, alternatives, grammar, flow, etc. – in every sentence sure makes your eyes go dull. It doesn’t take long before you end up re-reading the same sentence or paragraph 15 times over before finally getting to the next. Whew, lad.

In any case, I’m still a bit behind from where I wanted to be. I’m currently about 40% through the first round, though I had really hoped to be at 50% by the end of the weekend. But, I got distracted by some other stuff. Bad, Bernard, bad.

I did, also, not make the progress I wanted on Book Three. On Friday, I wrote the Prologue – which I think turned out well. I can’t show anyone for a while as it has some spoilers from Book Two, but I like it. I was planning on starting writing Book Three on my normal writing schedule, but I decided to postpone starting Book Three until I’m finished with the first round of editing on Madness. It’s just too much work all at once and I want to keep a good pace on getting Madness published. I’ll have plenty of time while I’m waiting for a few readers to give me feedback on Madness. So, in the meantime, I’ll probably just write a Chapter on each Friday until I’m finished (which should hopefully be only two weeks or so).

That’s about it for this week. Just chuggin’ along with a lot going on. I’m excited to get some Advanced Review Copies out to some friends for feedback. Unlike Honor, no one has been given any sort of spoilers on what occurs in Madness – not even my wife. I wanted all readers to go in completely blind to simulate new readers as much as possible. My wife and a few others had heard some important details within Honor prior to reading it, which had an effect on their impressions since they knew what was coming.

Back to editing I go!

Posted on: March 17, 2019Bernard Bertram