Weekly Progress Update
Whew, it’s already Sunday. This weekend went way too fast.
Editing went well. I made good progress each morning during my normal writing times, but didn’t spend any additional time throughout each day. So, I was only able to get another 18 pages done, leaving my current progress at about 69%.
I do have some cool news, however. One of Orcblood Legacy‘s followers has just released one of his own novels, titled Tavern! I’m really excited for him and look forward to reading through it myself. (The image is a link to the book on Amazon)
Just wanted to give Mr. Munden as shoutout and a big congratulations. It’s a great feeling to have all your hard work become real.
Aside from that, not too much this week. I finally copied my magic system down onto a digital document just in case my whiteboard ever gets erased on accident. It’s a really minor thing, but I’ve been putting it off for over a month.
I still have other things I’ve put off, such as adding a new section to my website for Artwork of the Orcblood Legacy series. I had that on my To Do list for this weekend as well, but we know how that goes. Maybe I’ll get around to it later in the day.
Once I do that, I’m considering organizing my site a bit more. It’s usable as-is, but I think I might have an additional of Table of Contents for some of the recurring Blogs such as the Writing Prompts and Weekly Progress Updates. Another item on the To Do list!
That’s it for this week, orcs. I’m really eager to get started on Book Three but need to wait until I’m finished with the first round of editing on Madness first. Soooooooooooooooooooooooon.
Posted on: March 31, 2019Bernard Bertram