Weekly Progress Update:

Weekly Progress Update:

Not much to report this week. I decided to take a break during the transition between Madness and Book Three – hence no Skirmish or Writing Prompt this week.

For Madness, I had pretty much already planned out the storyline the day I started writing Honor a long, long time ago. So, other than the fine details, I already knew the A -> B, as I call it.

I’ve got the primary outline for Book Three completed, but as I was writing it, it didn’t feel quite right. I mentioned that last week and that I wanted to take some more time to go through and organize the details of the outline just to fine tune it. That didn’t happen, unfortunately.

I really need to get back on track. There’s no real reason why but I still get stressed if I miss my scheduled content or don’t put out an adequate amount of progress towards the next book. I have to remind myself that it’s only 1-2 weeks and in the long term it really doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to rush it, is all. I’m still going to write and still want to, I just need to take a quick breather in between this time. Otherwise I’ll just force progress for the sake of it and it’ll just feel like a chore.

Thanks for being patient. I’ve got some exciting new characters planned for Book Three, sorry I can’t give out any details (to avoid spoilers from Madness).

A few copies of Madness are out to some readers and they’re chugging away on feedback. I’m eager to see what people think but am forcing myself not to slam them with a hundred questions on what their thoughts are. They’ve got about 6 more weeks to edit before I need their feedback in order to try to publish around September.

Also, my first ever Author event is only 10 days away at my local library. I still need to prepare a presentation, but I’m excited for that.

See you next week, hopefully I’ll have some actual progress to report.

Posted on: May 13, 2019Bernard Bertram