Weekly Progress Update:

Weekly Progress Update:

Yesterday came with a high amount of progress due to an extended wait while my car was getting a check-up, turning a pretty dry week into a fair one. Saturday added another 5%, bringing me to page 176/309.

I’m still a bit behind, but I have a vacation planned in early October that I plan to devote a lot of time toward editing. Ideally, I’ll be finished by the end of that week, giving me 30 days to update documents and get everything sorted for November’s publication date.

Apart from editing, there isn’t much else to bring up. I didn’t start outlining the Spin-Off like I wanted, but there’s no rush. I’m eager to get back to writing and can’t wait to call Madness complete.

In other news, the next Contest starts in 15 days – so start sharpening your pencils keyboards!

Posted on: September 15, 2019Bernard Bertram