Weekly Progress Update:
Holy dwarf ears, it’s finally done. This last week I took a stay-cation, and it’s a good thing I did, otherwise I would’ve ended up needing to push the publication date from November 15th to January 1st. I spent over 40 hours updating all the edits I made in the manuscript. To give an idea of what that meant . . .
Honor – First Draft: ~121,000 words
Honor – Published: ~113,000 words
— Trimmed: ~8,000 (6.6%)
Madness – First Draft: 136,427 words
Madness – Post-Editing (Round 1): 131,704
— Trimmed: 4,723 (3.5%)
Madness – Post-Editing (Round 2): 120,294
— Trimmed: 11,410 (8.7%)
Total Trim: 16,133 (11.8%)
There were thousands of changes made this time around and I definitely am much happier with where it landed. It’s much more consistent and coherent, in my opinion. But we’ll see what you readers think.
I’m just waiting on final reviews and sample copies, which may or may not come with a few minor touch-ups. I’ve spent the entire morning dealing with Photoshop crashes and locking up my computer for hours to finally get the stupid covers formatted – which is one of the most dreaded processes, especially for Hardcover.
Assuming the samples come back without any issues, then I’m all set and ready to go to publish on November 15th. I’ve still some time in case of revisions, so I’m not worried.
So, spread the word and let your friends know that Madness is finally about to be ready. Unless it sucks, in which case don’t tell anyone.
Thanks for all the support. I’m eager to get back to writing after spending the last six MONTHS editing. Riding the storyline from Madness, I’ve changed the order of my next works and will be moving into Book Three as originally planned, then on to the Spin-off.
As always, tell me what you think of Madness once you read it! I’d love to hear your feedback.
In other news, there is only 18 days left in the contest! So for any who are entering, be sure to get your submissions in before the end of the month.
Posted on: October 13, 2019Bernard Bertram