Weekly Progress Update

Weekly Progress Update

Happy weekend! There is a lot to bring up for this week’s update.

Thursday, I met with my local library and discussed hosting a Writing Discussion, which will be taking place on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019. It is quite a ways away, but I’m looking forward to it. They also were gracious enough to accept four donated copies of Orcblood Legacy: Honor, which will be available for patrons to check out within their New Release and Local Author sections.

Later that same night, I went to my grandfather’s wake as he passed away earlier in the week. It was good to see some family that I hadn’t connected with in a while. Also, the word about my book had spread and – to my surprise – many were asking questions about it. A cousin of mine even mentioned his shared interest in writing, and he and I met today to discuss writing. I think it’s something he’ll come to enjoy, as I have.

We had some great discussions about writing and things to consider that don’t often stand out at first glance. Logic, reader perspective, and realism to name a few. Hopefully he doesn’t find it too overwhelming, as many do, and continues with his interest. If not, we’ve all been there, even myself.

Now, onward to Book Two. My health took a hit this weekend, but I managed to get a short chapter in on Friday, and a long one in today on Sunday. Saturday was a bit of a loss, unfortunately. A combination of a decline in my health and my daughter deciding to take her feral spirit to heart. Also, I shot myself in the foot a bit, and didn’t do some research in advance and made a last-minute change in an important part of a new race’s introduction on Saturday. That really hurt the word count, but now all of the details are fleshed out and I shouldn’t run into any more trouble with that particular issue. 

As always, I won’t give away too much detail, but Fangdarr is feeling much more at home in the new area he just walked into. That is, until some harsh demands are made and his rage begins to build. Next week’s writing sessions will be pretty eventful and I’m looking forward to them. It’ll really be one character’s time to shine, to say the least. (Disclaimer: Actually, as I just finished writing that last sentence, I decided to make a change in the flow of the story. Woe to the whims of writing.)

Tune in next week!

Posted on: December 9, 2018Bernard Bertram